Pearl Tea Addict

Lately I have been totally addicted to Bubble Tea, also called Pearl Tea.
The 1st time I tried I hated it because I like to eat... or drink, but certainly not both at the same time. With the pearl tea, as you try to swallow tea, some tapioca pearls come with... Here comes a moment of panic when you wonder "should I chew? Not chew? Should I spit? Not spit?"
But then you try again once, and suddenly you find interesting to be able to have a little thing to chew and eat as you're enjoying iced tea.
What is also important is how you like it. My favorite :
  • Milk Black Tea : ZhenZhu NaiCha
  • Medium
  • Ice : Bing De
  • Half Sugar : Ban Tang
  • "Pearls" and not "Boba" which are the biggest one you usually get (this one I don't know yet how to say in Chinese :-))
Try it but be careful!! ADDICTIVE CONTENT

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