I realise my last post was somehow heated, I might have been rather p*** off and therefore maybe even angry.
So today we'll keep a neutral to happy tone:

NO that's just too much. But I WILL talk about Scream 4 and our new packs of cigarettes. For a few weeks now I've been visually assaulted by the new pictures on my Malboro's packs. My reactions have been contrasted.
There's the one with a needle which I had to ask my friends about to be sure it meant that this was an addictive product, almost like a drug. Which I do not find effective on long-time smokers like me because I feel it is too late now for me to start trying coke! (almost wrote cock there... no little red underline from the spellchecker! Useless!)
There's the one with a child breathing into a mask... you kinda wanna say... "Well why don't you pack a mask with the pack if you care so much about my kids!" (nota : I do not have kids please do not send DCFS to my home...)
There's the one with the 2 lungs... you know which one I am talking about... a classic but oh so effective!

There was a big debate in France about this "shock" pictures. Was it too much?
To anybody who's wondering if this is too much, you should go see scream 4 currently in a theater near you!

As you certainly know Scream was one of the 1st (if not the 1st) scary funny movie. The killer... (...s because YES! there were 2 of them!) got kicked in the balls, always a good one! At some point in Scream 4, which is actually a little more gore thant the previous ones (I can tell, we did a trilogy re-run the night before), poor Anthony Anderson (Deputy Perkins) get stabbed in the face. And I mean a foot-long blade between the eyes. NOT a pretty one!!! And I swear the audience (and I, I have to admit) laughed so hard as he just cried, got stabbed, and actually walked a bit with a giant knife planted in his skull, it almost turned into a collective nervous laugh of shame.

So I wonder, we just saw a pretty girl eviscerated, and laughed as a Police offcier getting stadbed in the forehead. How much can a picture of a needle scare us into giving up a year-long addiction?
You pass me the lighter and tell me.

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