Notre première rencontre du matin. On remarque l'heure et la température sur le tableau de bord!

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Yellowstone est vraiment superbe. Nous sommes tous les 2 très contents d'avoir fait le détour malgré la longue route. Ça vaut sûrement 1 semaine de voyage. Nous avons fait des rando dans les 4 coins du parcs en 2 jours. Un peu fatigués!
Je voulais vous mettre la vidéo de old faithful. Je vous l'envoie par mail car je ne peux pas sur le blog finalement.

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La valise Longchamp d'Eloi: campeur dans l'âme. Derrière notre petit emplacement. Nous avions prévu le bois et tout pour faire des hamburgers aux barbecue. Ils étaient bon mais il faisait déjà 10•C. Nous avons TRÈS mal dormi. Le détail dans mon mail.

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1) prendre 1 gros bocal en verre
2) le remplir d'eau FROIDE
3) ajouter 1 sachet de thé pour chaque "tasse" d'eau
4) fermer le bocal et le placer en plein soleil
5) vérifier la couleur au bout d'une heure
6) mettre au frigo et servir avec des glaçons
Ajouter au besoin sucre, miel ou menthe

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Est-ce que quelqu'un connait le conduite a tenir lorsque 4 automobilistes arrivent a l'intersection avec chacun 1 stop. Chez nous on descend et on se concerte.... C'est rare!!!
Ici apparemment personne n'a jamais pensé a donner ne serait-ce qu'une priorité... Du coup nous avons décidé d'y aller un peu n'importe comment en agitant les bras et en criant qu'on est français car il faut bien le dire ils sont gros leurs pick-up!

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Le buffet du bellagio a las Vegas

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Today the New York Times unearthed yet another pedo-file linking a bishop abusing children in the US to Cardinal Ratzinger when he was head of the congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. This would not be the 1st time that the Vatican high ranking officer would burry such charges even if this time, with 200 children abused over 20 years, it looks more like mass graves under Vatican hill.

Today Pope Benedict is the hot stuff when it comes to that kind of accusation but even before he didn't take any action I guess my wonder is what about the REAL justice. I mean we know the bishop was'nt defrocked but personnaly I couldn't care less about his carrier. What I wonder is "was there ever prosecutions" For me the criminals here are the close Church officials who wrote 2 letters, years appart, to some Cardinal thousands of miles away instead of going to their local police station. What is it ? Are priests and biqhop so out of the real world that they have somz parallel godly courthouses?
And what about the children? 200 deaf children were abused, would a canonical trial defrocking this serial offender have made it all okay? He would have been bqnished from te Church and lose any chance for heaven or somethig like that... Well i beleive he did that on his own before.

What is it with the Church that they believe legal matters should be taken care of internally. I think even more guilty than Ratzinger who didn't allow canonical trial are the Archbishops in the US who just didn't allow ANY kind of unperfect human trial!

Just wanted to say I am chocked Avatar didn't get the Best Motion Picture Award. I am all for great films which are so good they overcome their original "little money" fate. But come on Avatar is a turning point in film history. Let The Hurt Locker get la palme, the bear and whatever they give out in Venise or Sundance but hell Avatar should have the Oscar!!!!

I am with you James!

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Once every month or so, I read some article or hear some news which make me stop and think: "Wouhaou, aren't we in deep if the Americans mind are still so clouded by obscurantism". Then, because I like to think my mind is not, I go on and think about state information propaganda and how it also affects France, and how I am bound to be kind of blind sided.

Anyway, yesterday in the NYT was a scary article entitled Darwin Foes Add Warming to Targets.

We've had state and Church separated for so long in France that we forget how our academic knowledge could be biased with religious beliefs. Americans certainly have not forgotten and are still trying to get Darwin out of school. At least if Darwin's not out their trying to force God in again.
They have recently found a new and unexpected ally...Michael Crichton! As most people are still not sure whether global warming is a reality or a reality show, Boards of Education and Conservatives of some states are riding on skepticism and debatable scientific conclusions to push anti darwinism teaching.

In Kentucky, a bill recently introduced in the Legislature would encourage teachers to discuss “the advantages and disadvantages of scientific theories,” including “evolution, the origins of life, global warming and human cloning.”

The linkage of evolution and global warming is partly a legal strategy: courts have found that singling out evolution for criticism in public schools is a violation of the separation of church and state. By insisting that global warming also be debated, deniers of evolution can argue that they are simply championing academic freedom in general.

Yet there is little doubt that the skepticism about global warming resonates more strongly among conservatives, and Christian conservatives in particular. A survey published in October by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press found that white evangelical Protestants were among those least likely to believe that there was “solid evidence” that the Earth was warming because of human activity.
Only 23 percent of those surveyed accepted that idea, compared with 36 percent of the American population as a whole.
So.....64% of the American population doesn't believe that there are "solid evidence" that the earth is warming because of human activity. Which means that 64% of the population of the most polluting counrty doesn't think there is anything to do about it. and given the medium they use to convey this idea _ class books_ I'd say the reste of us are in deep trouble!
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