De Gaulle Out!!!

Sunday February the 27th 2011, I am in the TGV, reading newpapers from the internet, on my iPhone. I live in a world where growing a beard is suspiscious and everybody knows that the longest part of the trans-atlantic flights are the security checks.

From what i just wrote, our great liberator Charles de Gaulle would only be able to understand "February".
The technologies, companies and social paradigm of today weren't even there when he passed away.
Tante Yvonne would never understand that at my age it's very normal to be single, have a carrier, and think that you could just as easily raise a child with a man or a woman.
I have absolutly nothing to do with De Gaulle, I know little about him as he was always in the end of the history books (and therefore often fallen victim of program cuts). I suspect he wouldn't really understand me either. I am grateful for what he did for our country just as much as I am to Louis XIV and Joan of Arc.

So why on earth do politicians keep calling themselves "gaulliste"... And fighting over who deserve it more!!! Nobody cares!!! The only people who actually know what being "gaulliste" means are about to not remember even their children's names!!!!

Might be a little harsh but it drives me crazy that the finest and most powerful politicians are so out of our world they didn't notice De Gaulle didn't mean anything to many voters, that they didn't see that when they claim to be "Gaullist" we only hear "I am elitist".
And it makes me sad that we haven't had any new leader since that new generations would claim to be sons of, that our last historical leader was run out of office by riots 40 years ago and that no man or woman has shaken our political landscape since.

Please kind sirs from the government or the opposition, stop saying "gaulliste" it just makes ME sad and YOU look sad.

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