The world is my hometown


It striked me as I was talking to one of my school friends "I might go to Shanghai for a few days, see some friends..." Then I heard myself talking... Whao!!!!
I always try to keep in mind that I am a privileged girl whenever I talk, and yet this sentence seemed so harmless.

Explanation. My family and I live in a VERY little town in the French countryside (which we will call PV). You know, ugly-industrial-2000-inhabitants city.
Population: The grant parents used to be farmers (chicken is our thing), the parents are chain workers and the children are whether chain worker, baker, or unemployed. The girls who were in my class now have at least 2 children (often from 2 different men otherwise no fun), they are not working but receiving our beloved French Allocations. They haven't got farer than Lyon, which IS the 2nd biggest city in France but also only 100km far from PV.
And I am here talking about my future exchange program in Taiwan and how it would be nice to see my Shanghainese friends and how I am going to organise my 1 month bacpacking trip through Asia before I start working.

The world is my hometown, this could me my motto, and I am very aware I am lucky to be able to say that. So please, if you are not a 23-year old single mother stuck in PV, take this motto as yours, travel around the world, see all the beautiful things and people who won't stay this way eternally (Mc Donalds coming fast).

Go out and see the world : The world is your hometown!!!

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